Friday, July 19, 2013

Five Website Strategies for 2013

Do you have any strategies for your website development?   There is a lot of competition out there and you may need some advice to help your sites get noticed.

Once considered a calling card for your business or an online brochure, websites have now evolved into a visually packed battle ground for businesses. If you think your marketing is just fine with your standard website, think again! There’s a good chance your standard website just won’t be compelling enough in the new year. Make your web strategy a priority in 2013 by implementing these five trends.

1. Support Mobile Devices
If you haven’t updated your website to support mobile devices, this should be your top priority in 2013. People are accessing your website from a multitude of devices – including smartphones and tablets – at a record pace. The easiest way to support all devices is implementing responsive web design, which enables your website to be viewed on nearly any device. If your website is more complicated, consider creating a separate mobile website or creating a mobile application. Not sure if you’re ready for mobile? Test your website to check for mobile compatibility.

2. Make your Website a Place to Stay
Websites need to be more than just a home page and a list of services. Effective websites have become interactive playgrounds, using video and games alongside striking images and intelligent content. Make your website a place where people come for a long visit. Websites that entertain and educate the audience are much more effective than the traditional sales pitch.

3. Provide Great Content Marketing
With the numerous changes to search engine algorithms, you need to provide fresh content on your website on a regular basis to compete and be found. Strive to create relevant, timely content that people find valuable and ultimately want to share. And sharing is one of the best ways to drive traffic and obtain new, high-quality leads.

4. Tell Your Story Visually
The amount of information that people are accessing in any single day is staggering. Visual storytelling, often through infographics, is quickly becoming a popular way to communicate with viewers. A strong visual element allows visitors to scan information and absorb the data quickly. It’s a great way to get your information and website shared on social networking too.

5. Reignite Your Email Marketing
With the number of smartphones on the market, people have access to email instantly. Rethink your email marketing strategy with the ideas of social, local and mobile. Focus on segmenting your email list based on the preferences and locations of your subscriber, and send out information that is easy to view and digestible on the go. Be sure to make your email list subscription a focal point of your website to build subscribers.


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