Thursday, September 19, 2013

Would you Like to Know the Top Open Source Projects on GitHub?

As many of you may know that GitHub is ranked at the most sought after website for posting open source projects.  This website has hosted six million projects in the early part of 2013 with 3.5 million people collaborating.


Below is a list of the most popular open source projects that are hosted on GitHub as cited on

1. Bootstrap – This is by Twitter and is a great front-end framework for web development. It has a collection of HTML/CSS templates and JavaScript extensions permitting you to instantly make a copy of the front-end UI of websites and web applications.

2. Node.js – This is a server-side JavaScript environment enabling real-time web applications that can be scaled with the use of asynchronous event-driven model. It makes use of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine for running its JavaScript.

3. jQuery – This is a cross-browser JavaScript library which is meant to uncomplicated the way client-side JavaScript is written. It can handle HTML document traversal, events, animation, AJAX interaction, and a lot of other things.

4. HTML5 Boilerplate – This is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web sites or web applications in HTML5.

5. Rails – This is an open-source framework for making web applications that are based on Ruby programming language. It has a complete-stack framework for creating database-backed web applications, covering everything from front-end template rendering to backend database query.

6. D3: Data-Driven Documents – This is a cross-browser JavaScript library for showing documents along with dynamic and interactive graphics driven by data. It can visualize all kinds of digital data in W3C-compliant HTML5, CSS3, SVG or JavaScript.

7. Impress.js – This is a CSS3-based presentation framework permitting you to convert HTML content into a slideshow presentation that has great visualization and animation. It allows you to readily make great looking online presentations supported through all sorts of modern browsers.

8. Font Awesome – This is a series of scalable vector icons that can be customized in size, color or drop shadow through the use of CSS. It is made to be completely compatible with Bootstrap. It is free for commercial use.

9. AngularJS - This is a JavaScript framework made by Google for helping with writing client-side web applications with model–view–controller capability. It permits you to create structured web applications with the use of powerful features like directives, data binding, filters, modules and scope.

10. Homebrew – This is a package management software for MacOS X simplifying installation of other free/open source software that Apples do not send with MacOS X. It has the second largest number of contributors at GitHub.

11. Chosen – It is a jQuery plugin specializing in making user-friendly and feature-rich select boxes in HTML. It supports creating single select, multiple select, select with groups, disabled select, etc.

12. Foundation – This is a responsive front-end framework permitting you to construct websites or applications running on any kind of mobile devices. It also has layout templates, elements and best practices.

13. jQuery File Upload – This is a jQuery plugin for making powerful file upload widget. It can support many file selections, drag & drop, progress bar, validation, preview images, chunked/resumable uploads, client-side image resizing, etc.

14. Three.js – This is a cross-browser JavaScript library that permits its user to make and display lightweight 3D animation and graphics in a web browser without using any proprietary browser plugin. You can use this with HTML5 Canvas, SVG or WebGL.

15. Jekyll – This is a website generator transforming plain texts into static websites or blogs. It can simplify blog management to a great extent in the absence of database, comment moderation, update or installation. It can support permalinks, categories, pages, posts, and custom layouts.

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